Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Birds in Town

The crazy robin has stopped coming to visit us. Apparently she grew tired of the unrequited love from our dining room window. Mommy is happy. She was able to take the blankets off the railing and put them back in the linen closet. I (Rocco) still stop at the top of the stairs and look for Miss Robin Red Breast. But she’s not there.

Now mommy is wondering how to get peck marks off of a window that is 14 feet off the ground…

But don’t worry about us; there are new birds in town to keep us busy. Our backyard is now bustling with hummingbirds buzzing, diving & enjoying our red bottlebrush bush. Mommy told daddy she thinks they maybe nesting.

Although we don’t even come close, we can’t stop running around trying to catch one.

I guess we take after our mommy in that regard. You see, after waiting & waiting, snapping a million pictures & saying a few bad words, mommy was finally able to get this picture of one of the little buggers.

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